Well friends, the time has come for the baby's arrival. Tomorrow early morning I am heading in for a scheduled induction to have our second baby girl. I spent today grooming and organzing to get ready for her arrival. Fresh cut and blowout. check. My pregnancy hair has been one of my favorite things about being pregnant. My fresh blowout should last me 3 days easy. Check out this great video from Eva Scrivo's Beauty Blog on how to give yourself a professional blowout that will last for days.
Perfect Blowouts by Eva Scrivo from evascrivo.com on Vimeo.
Next up, fresh mani/pedi. Check. Gotta have the nails looking good for the big push. Hands are done in Essie Jazz, my favorite neutral nail color and toes in OPI Red.
I also packed my bag today, or I should say repacked. I added some hospital and post pregnancy necessities like my iPad and my Belly Bandit. Gotta get that waist back in shape, can't spare one day ;)
Baby's going home outfit. Check. I would like to show you some absolutely precious "going home outfit" but let's be realistic folks, it's HOT. Like 100 degrees hot here. We are just sticking with something simple, the Favorite Kimono Set from Baby Gap.

I'll post again soon, and I hope to share some fun baby pictures too, but for now I am saying adios amigos and I'll catch ya on the flip side of this pregnancy!