I so need this. What mother doesn't need this? I feel like all my daughter's precious art from school is just sitting in a big dusty pile. This is a great way to archive them and hopefully share them with her when she's older.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Awwww, thank you ladies!
A couple of fellow blogger mommies at Your Style Scout and Cocktails and Cupcakes (both inspirational blogs if you've never read them) game me a Stylish Blogger Award. I am very appreciative for the acknowledgement, and so to graciously accept this award here are 7 things you don't know about me and just a few of my own Stylish Blog nominees.
1. I love any and all Greek and Mediterranean food. Seriously get out of my way because I plan to chow down. When my husband and I were planning our honeymoon, we went to Greece so he could visit the beautiful country and I could eat!
2. I wanted for the better part of my life to be an actress. I love the performing arts and started my major in college in drama. But… I quickly realized I had no talent and made it my minor. So much for Hollywood!
3. My very first job ever was working in a movie theater selling tickets and working the concession stand. I bet #2 had a little something to do with this job choice.
4. I have a younger sister Denise and I swear we sound exactly alike. My mother can never tell us apart on the phone and when my sister leaves me messages it's scary how we even talk the same. When I listen to my own recorded voice it's even hard for me to tell us apart.
5. I am terrified and deathly afraid of roaches. Seriously, these bugs scare and disgust me and I will abandon my children and family if one is in a room. I am on a first name basis with my Terminex man. Note no photo credit for these disgusting bugs.
6. I am 100% Hispanic and barely speak enough Spanish to get by if I were lost in Spain. Shameful I know, especially since both my parents are fluent. But hey, I can roll my R's just like Sophia Vergara.
7. I have never (knock on wood) broken a bone or had to have stitches. Crazy right? 36 years old and somehow I have managed to avoid these two things. I hope I never have to experience them either.
Here are just a few blogs that inspire me everyday and who I'd like to pass this award on to.
1. P is for Party
2. La Dolce Vita
3. Elements of Style
4. Urban Grace
5. Christie Chase
6. Meli Faif Life
1. I love any and all Greek and Mediterranean food. Seriously get out of my way because I plan to chow down. When my husband and I were planning our honeymoon, we went to Greece so he could visit the beautiful country and I could eat!
2. I wanted for the better part of my life to be an actress. I love the performing arts and started my major in college in drama. But… I quickly realized I had no talent and made it my minor. So much for Hollywood!
3. My very first job ever was working in a movie theater selling tickets and working the concession stand. I bet #2 had a little something to do with this job choice.
4. I have a younger sister Denise and I swear we sound exactly alike. My mother can never tell us apart on the phone and when my sister leaves me messages it's scary how we even talk the same. When I listen to my own recorded voice it's even hard for me to tell us apart.
5. I am terrified and deathly afraid of roaches. Seriously, these bugs scare and disgust me and I will abandon my children and family if one is in a room. I am on a first name basis with my Terminex man. Note no photo credit for these disgusting bugs.
6. I am 100% Hispanic and barely speak enough Spanish to get by if I were lost in Spain. Shameful I know, especially since both my parents are fluent. But hey, I can roll my R's just like Sophia Vergara.
7. I have never (knock on wood) broken a bone or had to have stitches. Crazy right? 36 years old and somehow I have managed to avoid these two things. I hope I never have to experience them either.
Here are just a few blogs that inspire me everyday and who I'd like to pass this award on to.
1. P is for Party
2. La Dolce Vita
3. Elements of Style
4. Urban Grace
5. Christie Chase
6. Meli Faif Life
Renovation Realities: My Faucet Infatuation
A long time ago, before we ever purchased our current home, I fell in love with this kitchen sink faucet from Perrin and Rowe by Rohl. I promised myself that when I got the chance to gut a kitchen I would put this beauty as the eye candy of the sink.
Well friends the time has come and yes, we ordered this faucet in polished nickel and yes it is everything I had hoped it would be and then some. It's so beautiful and shiny and I could stare at it for hours.
Well friends the time has come and yes, we ordered this faucet in polished nickel and yes it is everything I had hoped it would be and then some. It's so beautiful and shiny and I could stare at it for hours.
We also ordered these little babies for the kitchen cabinets in polished nickel from Restoration Hardware.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Renovation Realities: Kitchen Sink or New Bathtub
Lots of fun stuff arrived this week for the kitchen renovation and other home projects. One that made me really excited was our new Shaw apron front sink. We purposely ordered a large sink since we were going with an undivided basin.
We just didn't expect it to be so big. We've got lots of room for dirty dishes; and the kids. ;)
That would be my 4 year old sitting in the sink!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Friday Fashion: Ann Taylor Loft Maternity
For someof you the Ann Taylor Loft maternity may not be new, but for me it's brand spankin'. Here is what I am loving right now and really want to buy.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Skate Party Update
Busy Busy is the name of the game in our house. Today here's an update on Jacquelyn's roller skating birthday party. You can see the original post here. In the interest of time and money I decided to use some supplies I already had on hand, for example fabrics for the tablescapes.
Here's what we have so far.
And plan to fill them with these Jelly Belly ice cream flavored Jelly Beans.
Here's what we have so far.
Table runner fabric is Watermelon Stripe by Michael Miller fabrics and I have yards and yards of it on hand.
I also have this pretty pink and brown dot I'll throw in somewhere probably for the favor table.
I ordered the invitations and coordinating pieces via Tiny Prints. I wanted to have custom ones made, but again, time and money. By the way, do you know how hard it is to find standard roller skating invitations that aren't super cheesy?
Here are the favor gift tags.
And here are the Thank You cards, front and back.
I am still planning on these cute ice cream dishes for the favors.
And plan to fill them with these Jelly Belly ice cream flavored Jelly Beans.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Renovation Realities: My Life Right Now
Project Bump is well underway in our home. Currently the entire second floor looks like a painting nightmare and a Dexter kill scene. In case you are new to this blog, our house is 50 years old. I know that's not ancient compared to some homes, but 50 years has made its mark and the second floor needed a major drywall overhaul.
There were cracks, drywall tape wrinkles and studs poking out in everywhere. Not to mention we just had new recessed lighting added to every room. When I say the previous owners did nothing to update this home, I mean nothing.
The second floor will basically be our retreat when we gut the kitchen in a few weeks. To get the space ready for baby and our new family room headquarters, it was time to bite the bullet and get it done.
Every wall and ceiling is getting all new mud and texture to completely smooth everything out and repaint. It's a mess right now, but when it's all done, it will look like beautiful new construction sheetrock. That makes me very happy.
There were cracks, drywall tape wrinkles and studs poking out in everywhere. Not to mention we just had new recessed lighting added to every room. When I say the previous owners did nothing to update this home, I mean nothing.
The second floor will basically be our retreat when we gut the kitchen in a few weeks. To get the space ready for baby and our new family room headquarters, it was time to bite the bullet and get it done.
Every wall and ceiling is getting all new mud and texture to completely smooth everything out and repaint. It's a mess right now, but when it's all done, it will look like beautiful new construction sheetrock. That makes me very happy.
Here is the gameroom.
Here is Jacquelyn's soon-to-be new room as she'll move to the other end of the house when baby comes.
Jacquelyn's current room and soon-to-be nursery. Yes J is still sleeping in her room. They haven't started painting so I was told it was OK.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Best Little Bar in Town
If you've never tried these I strongly suggest you do. I've been a fan of the adult Clif Bars for a few years, but recently discovered the Clif Kidz version via my friend Amber. I buy them in bulk at Costco and I LOVE them and find them very satisfying for me and my daughter.
Friday, January 14, 2011
A Little French Ambiance
Lots of fun things going on here. Some destructive renovation work and other pretty accents. I just ordered this beautiful light for my dining room from Circa Lighting.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Here's The Skinny: Maternity Pants
As most of you know, I am pregnant and to the point where maternity clothes are a necessity. I am only 4 months along, but since this is my second child, comfy expanding wastebands are a must.
I recently purchased three pairs of pants and jeans from Old Navy and Gap (my favorite maternity staple stores) and love each pair. If your pregnant, may I suggest these super stylish and comfy pants.
I recently purchased three pairs of pants and jeans from Old Navy and Gap (my favorite maternity staple stores) and love each pair. If your pregnant, may I suggest these super stylish and comfy pants.
Friday, January 7, 2011
DIY Swedish Style Paint Finish
I have a ton of furniture pieces to paint in my home at the moment. I am pondering whether or not I am going to try and paint a couple on my own. If I do, I definately want to try this Gustavian paint technique via Martha Stewart.
Also just found this DIY link too.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Lavender Musings
In the mist of kitchen planning, work and being a mother and wife, I am also working on the nursery for my little one. Since we're having another girl I've decided to design the nursery in lavender, cream and flax. I stumpled upon these gorgeous images from A Creative Mint blog and it definately got the juices flowing.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Pajama Jeans: Are you Kidding me?!
These can't be real; can they? During the holiday break my sister and I were up late one night talking and this info-mmercial appearred and stopped us mid sentence. Seriously?! Pajama Jeans! This has got to be one of the most rediculous marekting ideas ever....but my pregnant mind was just a big curious. I am all about comfort.

Monday, January 3, 2011
Ice Cream Social & Skate Party
My daughter's 4th birthday party is right around the corner so I am making plans for her big day. This year we are having her first roller skating party and it's bound to be tons of fun. I put together a quick inspiration board so I could gather all my thoughts. Here's a peak.
Shopping List:
Apron: Carolyn's Kitchen
Favors: Oriental Trading
Paper Hats: Prairie Moon
Table Runners: Premier Print Fabrics
Ice cream Parlor Pics via
Amateur Appliqué
Like most people I am obsessed with Leontine Linens custom monogrammed appliqué bedding and towels. I have one big hang up; I can’t see spending hundreds of dollars on custom linens when I have all the professional equipment at home to create the same look.
Since I have two girl rooms to plan for, I’ve decided to try and master the large appliqué monogram. I have appliquéd before, but never on such a large scale. My plan is to appliqué the baby’s bumpers and a valance in my older daughter's room.
We’ll see how it goes and I’ll keep you posted on my progress.
Since I have two girl rooms to plan for, I’ve decided to try and master the large appliqué monogram. I have appliquéd before, but never on such a large scale. My plan is to appliqué the baby’s bumpers and a valance in my older daughter's room.
We’ll see how it goes and I’ll keep you posted on my progress.
Images via
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Pancakes & Pearls
image via
I am totally and completely smitten with this idea for my daughter's birthday. The uber talented Christi at P is for Party featured it on her amazing party blog; which is a definate must read. I would love to do this for her 4th birthday this year, but seeing as how our house will look like a bomb went off with our kitchen reno we'll have to pass till next year. I am definately hiring Christi to coordinate this gorgeous event. See all the precious details here.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Resolutions Are a Funny Thing
Inevitably a new year comes around and everyone resolves to make positive changes in their lives. Some are simple and realistic others ridiculous and completely unattainable. Nonetheless, the majority proclaim some sort of personal achievement for the New Year.
A few years ago I decided to make realistic goals for myself and spare myself the disappointment of not following through. Here’s a list of my 2011 New Year goals.
1. Start sewing beautiful linens for my own home. Believe it or not I am the shoemaker with no shoes. I spend the majority of my time sewing gorgeous drapery and linens for my customers and as a result my windows are poorly dressed.
2. Have a HUGE tag sale that we have been putting off for about a year. I prefer to call them tag sales because garage sales sound so junky in my opinion. Over the past couple of years we’ve purged and updated our home and as a result we have piles of home accessories and furniture to sell. I have done my fair share of donating to the Salvation Army, but this go around it’s too much to haul so tag sale it is.
3. Renovate my kitchen top to bottom. That’s right we are ripping her down to the studs and bringing her into this new millennium decade. Goodbye 1959, hello 2011.
4. Completely redecorate my daughter’s room and give her a proper big girl room.
These last two are the most precious resolutions to me.
5. Spend more quality time with my daughter and carve out special mommy and me moments as often as possible.
6. Have a healthy pregnancy and deliver this baby girl in my tummy that’s been growing for the past 14 weeks. Yep, I am prego and life is about to get a lot more hectic for my family. We are very excited and feel very blessed.
Happy New Year to all and best of luck with your resolution list. My one piece of advice, keep it simple and achievable.
A few years ago I decided to make realistic goals for myself and spare myself the disappointment of not following through. Here’s a list of my 2011 New Year goals.
image via Lonny Magazine
1. Start sewing beautiful linens for my own home. Believe it or not I am the shoemaker with no shoes. I spend the majority of my time sewing gorgeous drapery and linens for my customers and as a result my windows are poorly dressed.
2. Have a HUGE tag sale that we have been putting off for about a year. I prefer to call them tag sales because garage sales sound so junky in my opinion. Over the past couple of years we’ve purged and updated our home and as a result we have piles of home accessories and furniture to sell. I have done my fair share of donating to the Salvation Army, but this go around it’s too much to haul so tag sale it is.
Image via Housebeautiful.com
4. Completely redecorate my daughter’s room and give her a proper big girl room.
These last two are the most precious resolutions to me.
5. Spend more quality time with my daughter and carve out special mommy and me moments as often as possible.
6. Have a healthy pregnancy and deliver this baby girl in my tummy that’s been growing for the past 14 weeks. Yep, I am prego and life is about to get a lot more hectic for my family. We are very excited and feel very blessed.
Happy New Year to all and best of luck with your resolution list. My one piece of advice, keep it simple and achievable.
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