A huge trend in kid’s furniture that’s been around for a while is painted case goods. When I was pregnant I bought a baby décor book for decorating ideas and that’s when I found the dark pink and green dressers above. I loved the bold statement and touch of whimsy the pieces made in a kids room.
When I contacted the designer of one of these pieces they quoted me $2500 to make a custom dresser. Ouch! That’s a lot of money and I couldn’t bring myself to thrown down that kind of cash for a changing table/dresser. So one Saturday morning I dragged my pregnant self and husband to a few antique stores and found the light pink dresser above on the right. Of course it was not light pink when I found it, but it was a gorgeous solid oak antique with the Empire style I was looking for. I was so excited to find it on my first scouting trip I started dancing a pregnant happy dance right there. The curved round feet and carved scrolling-it was perfect! Some primer, paint, decorative knobs and $500 later I had my perfect showpiece for my daughter’s room and saved myself $2000!
What is great about this look is it’s easy to recreate on your own and for cheap. If you’re decorating your nursery, want to replace the changing table with a larger dresser or considering painted furniture, I urge you to explore this chic look on the cheap. Below are a few more resources and ideas to create your own painted dresser. Also don’t forget your unfinished furniture stores and to dicker down the price at antiques stores. Bargain shopping is what it’s all about. Click on image below to enlarge.
Where to Shop:
Glass and cermaic knobs www.anthropoloy.com
Painted knobs www.rosenberryrooms.com
Paint www.serenaandlily.com
Unfinished dressers www.popsfurniture.com and www.ikea.com